Rolling scales are often considered an extremely important characteristic to help identify healthy and good cocks. This is considered a type of scale that many people believe is extremely rare. To help cockfighters better understand what this type of scale is like. In the article below, Hi88 will answer players’ questions in the most detailed way.
General information about rolled scales
Those divine chickens that possess their own vảy vấn cán will often have quite outstanding and rare characteristics. When the scales are characterized by the foreign and domestic rows facing each other and sticking together on the outside. Normally, these locations will have 2 scales and 1 scale used to cover the lower leg of the god millet
Players can realize that not all cocks have this type. So they become more and more special and are classified as extremely rare.
When discovering that this problem is located in the chicken’s leg, the cocker can immediately determine that this is a strong fighting cock. Because they are considered rare fighting chickens and possess an extremely beautiful and powerful fighting style.
Signs that a cock has chicken scales on its handle
When watching chickens, the most important thing for players is their legs. Because when looking at their legs, cockfighters will be able to see their fighting ability as well as their advantages. There are distinct differences between each location where the scales grow as well as each type. It helps farmers see how capable these fighting cocks are in battle.
Rolling scales are characteristic of being common in chickens with the maternal and paternal rows facing each other. At this location, a row of growths will appear around the leg and special angel chickens will have a conjoined scale covering the chicken’s leg.
The location where the scales often appear
As briefly introduced above for cockfighters, this type of scale will have different positions, not just one position. Therefore, we will help you better understand each position of this type of scale right below.
The position of the scales is above the spur
For this position, it is considered quite rare to notice. They are often placed above or just below the spur. But this position will be divided into two categories to identify whether it is good or bad. Therefore, the content below will answer your question about whether it is good or bad.
- If they are arranged horizontally on the spurs, they are considered an extremely good fighting spirit. They are even lucky enough to be classified in the “spiritual chicken” category.
- As for the chicken scale located at the bottom of the spur, it is considered a bad scale, and leads to losing matches when fighting a lot.
- If it is located close behind at the level of the spur, it is an extremely rare feature. Helps players clearly identify that this is a winner.
Chicken scales wrapped in special sticky rice rolls
If your cock possesses these characteristics, then we would like to congratulate you. Because this is one of the god cocks that has an extremely good fighting style, possessing extremely beautiful kicks. The scales of the diaphragm handle are characteristic of being wrapped from the wall to the sarcophagus on the chicken’s feet. And it has a decreasing order of size as it moves towards the sarcophagus row.
To help the cocker recognize whether this is good or bad. Players can then rely on the following positions to deduce for themselves:
- If the position is at the level of the spur, it will be considered a cock with a horizontal kick.
- When located at the position of the chicken spur, this fighting style will require the neck.
- And in a special position, the armor skewer is in the row of sarcophagi and is located below the chicken spur, the shape is facing up. This position is chosen by many people because they have an extremely good playing style.
Experience in taking care of chicken with extremely good scales and rolls
When owning these extremely rare chickens, players also need to apply farming experience to keep them healthy. Right now, we will review some care experiences passed down by veteran cockfighters:
- Regarding the care of chickens, players must design a diverse diet for them. Not only do they need to add protein to their food, but farmers also need to supplement them with vitamins and minerals.
- Regarding the training regimen, it will be different from the usual types. For this type of chicken, you will need a reasonable regime to increase your strength. This is the premise to help chickens have strength and endurance when competing.
The article above is the information fully compiled by Hi888 about rolling scales. We hope that this content will help players identify whether chickens with this type of scale are good or bad. From there, bring them into the arenas and bring victory.