9 Riddles That Are Simpler Than They Seem But Will Trick You Anyway

Unlock the mystery, tease your mind, and play with riddles that will leave you intrigued and entertained!

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by Qasim Ali

Riddles: Hold onto your turbans, spice lovers! Get ready to masala your mind with riddles that have been puzzling and perplexing folks since the days of the Indus Valley!

Explore the world of mind-bending riddles with our curated selection from Learninger – get ready to sharpen your wit and have a blast! So, grab your chai, settle under a banyan tree, and let’s embark on a journey through the labyrinth of riddles, where the answers are as hidden as a rasam recipe in a grandmother’s kitchen!

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    Topics: Quiz, Riddle

    Qasim Ali

    He creates mind-bending quizzes and explore the world through tasty bites!

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